Become a
As a member of the CPPAA, you will join our small community and gain access to all upcoming professional development events and correspondence. You will be able to seek consultation with the CPPAA Ethics Committee on professional matters as relevant.
As a member, you are also under the umbrella of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia (PPAA) and will receive the Journal and ability to attend the annual PPAA conference.
If you are in private practice, you are entitled to have your details listed on the private registry and to use the logo to advertise you are part of the CPPAA and PPAA.
The strength of the CPPAA being a specialist association, is the values placed on your views and joining one of our committees.
Applicants for membership need to have the following prerequisites:
an undergraduate degree and a professional qualification eg. Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work, Psychiatric Nursing, Occupational Therapy or Speech Pathology
successful completion a Course of Training in Child Psychotherapy of at least three years duration (e.g. Master of Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Monash University, or equivalent)
Required training would include:
1. Theoretical Studies:
A minimum of a three (3) year comprehensive seminar series in psychoanalytic theory and practice with particular emphasis on children, adolescents and parents.
A 12 month Psychoanalytic Infant Observation.
300 hours of theoretical studies.
2. Supervision:
Individual weekly supervision of a child, an adolescent and of parent therapy i.e. 3 hours per week over a three year training period.
Supervision should be concurrent with the other components of the training.
One of the child or adolescent cases must have been in psychotherapy for a minimum of two years and one for at least one year.
One of the child or adolescent cases must be seen at least twice weekly.
At least 300 hours of supervision overall.
Clinical Supervisors who would be deemed to have appropriate credentials would ordinarily be members of the CPPAA, VAPP or IPA, with at least five years experience.
Following completion of training
It is expected that clinical members of the CPPAA will engage in ongoing supervision to maintain their standards of clinical practice.
3. Personal Psychotherapy:
Applicants are required to have had a minimum of three years of at least twice weekly psychoanalytic psychotherapy or psychoanalysis concurrent with seminars and supervision of the Masters of Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training or equivalent.
Therapists who would be deemed to have appropriate credentials would ordinarily be members of the CPPAA, VAPP or IPA, with at least five years experience.
4. Clinical Practice
The applicant is expected to be currently engaged in clinical practice of children/adolescent therapy and therapeutic work with parents, or to have substantial previous clinical experience.
The CPPAA is an accredited member organisation of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia (PPAA). The PPAA maintains high standards of practice, training and ethics in psychoanalytic psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
Further, the PPAA (of which CPPAA is a member association) is a member of the ACPP. Find out more about the ACPP here.

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